Is it almost time for an oil change on your vehicle? It might be time for you to consider taking care of the oil change yourself to save some money and give you the confidence that the job is done right! Although some people believe that this is a job that can only be done by a mechanic, changing your oil can be done in just a few simple steps! Watch the step by step video below to learn how to correctly change the oil in your car or truck! Read the rest of this entry
Is it safe for my dog to be in the car with the windows rolled down?
If you have a pet dog, you probably consider him to be a part of the family and you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them. Your dog loves you and trusts you to take care of it. It is your job to take care of your pet and make sure that it is taken care of. A fatal mistake that some pet owners make is leaving their dog in the car when it is too hot outside. This horrible mistake could cost your pup their life. Keep reading below to learn if it is okay to leave your dog in the vehicle! Read the rest of this entry
How to Properly Prep Your Vehicle for a Road Trip
When you are planning a trip, you want to make sure that your vehicle is in tip-top shape. Prepping your vehicle means doing some things yourself and also possibly scheduling an appointment with your local mechanic. Watch the video below to learn more! Read the rest of this entry
Automotive Tips to Beat the Heat this Summer
Top Summer Car Care Tips
With summer in full swing, road trip season is upon us. Unfortunately, heat is one major culprit for vehicle wear and tear. Don’t get stranded under the sweltering summer sun due to poor car maintenance. Read on for our top summer car care tips and tricks to keep you barreling down the road to your next adventure. Read the rest of this entry
July 4th 2019 Fireworks in Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga TN 4th of July 2019 Fireworks Schedule
Independence Day festivities just wouldn’t be complete without a little boom and crackle. Lucky for us, the Chattanooga area offers several opportunities throughout the 4th of July week to get your fill of awe-striking fun. Check out our Chattanooga TN 4th of July 2019 fireworks schedule to start filling out your Independence Day agenda. Read the rest of this entry
The Science and Benefits Behind Volkswagen TDI
Volkswagen Turbocharged Direct Injection (TDI) Engine Technology
From active soccer moms to speed-savvy adrenaline chasers, drivers are constantly chasing higher fuel efficiency and power ratings. Developed by Volkswagen, Turbocharged Direct Injection (TDI) is a major breakthrough in engine technology that helps crank out more power while expending less fuel and producing less emissions. Read on to learn how TDI works and what benefits it offers drivers. Read the rest of this entry
Neat Activities for Father’s Day 2019 in Chattanooga TN
2019 Father’s Day Events and Activities in Chattanooga TN
With June 16 coming up fast, now is the time to hammer out a game plan for your Father’s Day festivities. Hosting endless events and activities across the city, Chattanooga, TN offers endless activities to make this year’s celebration one to remember. Read on for some of our top suggestions. Read the rest of this entry
How Late Car Payments Affect Your Credit
What Happens If I Miss a Car Loan Payment?
Falling behind on finances and payments can be easy and playing catch up can seem like it goes on forever. But what will happen if you miss a car loan payment and how will it affect your credit? This is everything you need to know about what will happen if your car loan payment slips your mind. Read the rest of this entry
Where Can I Find a Safe and Affordable Pre-Owned Van in Chattanooga?
Certified Pre-Owned Vans Near Chattanooga, TN
When it comes to shopping for a vehicle big enough for the whole family, a van is a top choice for many Chattanooga-area drivers. Vans from top automakers provide drivers with a suite of safety features, plenty of seating, and enough room for the family and more. But where can you find an affordable and safe pre-owned van in Chattanooga? The lineup of Certified Pre-Owned vans and vehicles at Auto Simple will give you peace of mind behind the wheel. Keep reading to learn more. Read the rest of this entry
Local Guide to the 2019 Riverbend Festival Chattanooga TN
Where Can I Park for the 2019 Riverbend Festival?
Chattanooga’s favorite festival is coming up right around the corner and a lot of attendees might be asking themselves, “Where can I park for the 2019 Riverbend Festival?” We at Auto Simple want to help make attending this festival as easy and safe as possible, so we’ve put together this guide to the 2019 Riverbend Festival to give you all the details you’ll need for this weekend of fun.